Thursday, November 15, 2012

Welcome to My Story

Well not a story exactly, but a chronicle about a little medieval era kingdom I created using EA's & Maxis' open world game, The Sims 2. This blog is more of a journal to help me remember this kingdoms history as time progresses. As of this writing all but one of my founders have succumbed to old age, and the first of the great-grandchilden have been born (with many more on the way). As the kingdom's beginning has started to become hazy in my mind I thought it would be a good idea to chronicle it online and to share a look into my game and into the lives of my treasured sims.

Those of you who are fellow Simmers and members of the Simming community will be familiar with the open create-your-own-world gameplay, as well as the "playing God" aspects of it. With the right custom content you can create any type of world from modern day suburban, to prehistoric stoneage and distant future spaceage and everything in-between and beyond. The choices are limitless, provided you can find (or create) the custom content for it of course.

Viridis is a pseudo-medieval world recreated as much as possible with custom content found mainly at Mod the Sims, Garden of Shadows and awesomely of all, Plumbbob Keep and their associates. I would also like to give a shoutout to Simbology, MATY, Simlogical,, Paladin's Palace, Cyjons Stuff, Parsimonious, Leefish Network, All About Style, and many other sites and Creator's Blogs I have collected awesome mods and stuff from over the years. My gameplay style would not be possible without any of them.

If you see anything in the pictures you would like to get your grubby little mitts on don't be afraid to ask. I'm more than happy to put you in the right direction.

A word of warning on the presentation of my story;

There will be some chapters that will presented in the novelesque style that I presented in the prologue, but don't expect that amount of effort for every chapter. The vast majority of my Sim's everyday lives is simply not saga-worthy, and there is going to be plenty of posts that will be nothing more than a few pics with commentary like "and then whatshisface toilet trained whatsherface .....and then got to work on his fishing, and Oh look he got his gold badge. Yay!.....after which he got to work on making sproglet no.2 *wink*" and so on and so forth. You know, the usual Sims 2 Legacy, Royal Kingdom, Prosperity, Build-A-City challenge fare. Only when I feel a certain arc in the neighbourhoods story is worthy (and inspires me) in putting in the extra effort will you get anything but the standard drivel from me, and even then it may not even the same style every time....So don't say you haven't been warned.

Furthermore there may be times when I will go back on a chapter and edit it to change names, places and aspects to the story which is always in a unfixed fluid state in my mind, or felt needed to be changed. Nothing is concrete, even when you think it is written in stone Bwah-ha-ha-ha.

On another further note, my pictures are taken with the game's craptastic camera, and I am shitty at editing pics to make them look bwew-ti-full anyway so be prepared for the crappiness that are my pictures O.o

0.0 Prologue - Shipwrecked

Day of Landfall.

It had been late in the season to travel the high seas. Only fools or the desperate would dare so in such wild weather, and desperate fools they were. If there had been any other place for them to find refuge in this southernmost reaches of the Holy Simolic Empire they would have holed up there and waited out the season, until the winter's fury was over and brought the spring, calmer seas and a safer journey for them to return home on . Alas these poor souls did not have that luxury. After the brutal ransacking and destruction of the Abbey there had been no place where Goddess fearing men and women could seek shelter in this corner of the world overrun by faithless Heretics. Indeed there was nothing left to stay for. The Abbey had been destroyed completely. Everything of worth had been looted, everything else had been obliterated. The monks had all been mercilessly slaughtered, as had the nuns after they had been viciously defiled. The company of Holy Knights that had came to the Abbey’s call for aid had been outmatched and outnumbered, their corpses now feed the only inhabitants left in that razed ruin, the crows. The only survivors of this bleak tragedy had been the five fair maidens, novices of the Abbey, who had managed to elude the attackers by hiding in a small antechamber hidden amongst the crypts as the looters plundered, raped and murdered all around them. It was three days later when thirst drove them from their secret refuge to witness the horrid aftermath of that disaster. Amongst the corpses that littered the halls and grounds they could only find five other survivors, all of them Holy Knights who had been struck down and left for dead during the fierce battle. It was only by the grace of the Goddess that the ransackers had not discovered them and finished them off as they had done so to their comrades. The maidens tended to the young knights wounds and after gathering what meagre supplies they could they had all made their way to the nearest port and to their way home, far across the sea, to the Capital and the heart of the Empire. With winter fast approaching it was a mad gamble, but they hadn’t the gold or the resources to stay out the winter and wait for spring, they barely had enough to pay for the passage as it was. So the ten brave souls boarded the last vessel to leave the port headed for home and prayed to the Goddess that they would survive their journey.

As we all well know the Goddess does not always answers our prayers as we intended her to. Sometimes she has her own plans in mind.

The winds had howled and the waves had thrashed, and the vessel and it’s poor occupants had been led far off course into the wide unknown by the wild and errant current. After many weeks under this relentless onslaught the vessel surrendered itself to nature’s fury and sunk beneath the waves. Some of the crew and passengers managed to escape the ship’s fate aboard the handful of rafts that had been onboard, but they quickly all got separated in this wild and turbulent weather. For many days one of these rafts was tossed upon the seas before it was finally broken apart leaving it’s ten occupants adrift, until they too were finally washed ashore. When our ten awoke they found themselves in a beautiful and verdant uninhabited land, a land they came to call…..
